Political Marketing Research for Local Governments


Political Marketing Research for Local Governments

In addition to the street surveys that are usually carried out within the scope of our Local Government Researches, we provide services with our Local Governments Strategy Canvas research model, which we have developed in order to ensure that the current president and the administration have a successful re-launch process during the election period and provide their voters with unforgettable emotional experiences.

The most important of our local governments strategy canvas research model, which is carried out using Hybrid (Qualitative + Quantitative + Neuro) research methods equipped with advanced analytical and sophisticated tools, is to create a strategic action plan by performing the analysis, one step ahead of the different traditional analyses.

As it is known, in both local and general elections, the electorate votes on the basis of their political ideologies, perceived service quality, leader images/performances and satisfying their individual needs (Economic, Security, Social etc.). According to the results of hundreds of researches we have carried out in different constituencies, only 50% of the general satisfaction level of the services provided by the current administrations and the voting behavior can be explained by the perceived service quality. The other 50% is composed of political ideology with a rate of 70%. In this respect, in order to increase the satisfaction and vote rate of an existing local government, it is necessary to first determine the strategic voter groups and their ratio in the target audience. In this context, we first perform SSG Segmentation analysis, an analysis technique with the Vera brand.

Just as people have life stages such as youth, adulthood and old age, there are various life stages and different lifestyles in their families.

Knowing the family life stages and lifestyles of the households in the strategic constituency will play an important role in determining and satisfying the main motivations and needs that will motivate them. Similarly, a detailed motivator list is created by examining the personality types, household health status, satisfaction levels from standard services, perception of leader, basic needs, activity types and appreciation levels, interests in various activities and media following habits of this group.

By determining your strategic position in standard services and emotional experiences, preparations are made for taking action over your current situation.

After the detailed list of motivators is determined, experience elements in different concepts are designed and neuro tests are performed, and the concept that gets the highest score among the alternatives in terms of attention, admiration and memory retention criteria is put into practice. OIP event-related potential (ERP) is a test that measures the brain’s cognitive response to a given stimulus. “EEG recordings measure and analyze cognitive responses in the conscious and subconscious periods after the stimulus is shown” Brain analyzes, especially on the subconscious period, provide in-depth insight for research such as motto, discourse development, and experience design.

Action plan cards are prepared for the experience element with the highest score.

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