Personality Inventory
Different personality motifs emerge as a result of the interactions of emotions, thoughts, behavioral and attitudinal tendencies that people have. With the Vera personality inventory, it will determine the distinctive personality traits of your employees and enable you to communicate more effectively with them, create a team and create a working environment where they can work more efficiently.
According to Carl Gustav Jung, one of the founders of analytical psychology and depth psychology, human personality includes the two most basic attitudes (introverted, extroverted) and four basic psychological functions (Common sense, Intuition, Thinking, Feeling) that interact with them. Jung modeled and explained eight different personality types consisting of a dominant attitude and a dominant function. Inspired by Jung's work, Myers and Briggs developed their own personality inventories by modeling 16 different personality types by adding the judgment-perception dimension to Jung's three dimensions. As Vera, we have developed the Vera Personality Inventory, which can measure personality types as 16 different personality profiles on 4 main dimensions, 8 opposite-polar attitudes and psychological functions, by utilizing the basic measurement dimensions of Jung and Myers-Briggs.